The Insitute of Finance Management - IFM

About IFM

The IFM was established by Act No. 3 of 1972 as a cooperate body an became aperational in July 1972 with the following objectives;

To promote facilities for the study of, and training in principles, procedures and techniques of Banking, Insurance, Finance Management and such others related subjects as the council may decide from time to time.

To conduct training programs leading to professional qualifications in Banking, Insurance, Financial management and such related subjects.

To conduct examinations and grant diplomas, certificates and other awards of the Institute.

To sponsor, arrange and provide facilities for conferences and seminars.

To arrange for publication and general dissemination of materials produced of the Institute.

Currently the Istitute is offering different courses in Computing, IT, Social Security, Tax Management, Insurance in Advanced Diploma and Certificates levels. The Institute is also offering Postgraduate Diplomas in Taxation, Finance, Human Resources, Insurance, Information Technology & Management and Accounts. IFM also offers masters degree in Finance with collaboration with Strathclyde University, MBA in Internation Trade with colaboration with India Foreign Trade Institute and MSc IT & Management.


Prof Joshua Doriye

Principal - IFM

Prepared and Maintened by Sedoyeka E, and Tairo D.